Rebecca Wrightson


I work at the dynamic intersection of people, culture and business. 20+ years working alongside founders and leaders in small, medium and large organisations, guiding them as they navigate growth, change, ambition and relationships.

An accomplished, passionate people, culture and leadership coach, experience designer and change strategist.

Being deliberate about how you want (and don’t want) to build & scale your company's structure and culture will set you up to attract, recruit, engage and even offboard the right people at the right time as you grow.

My depth and breadth of experience allows me to work and connect in a way that suits the dynamics of an evolving business. I know that there is never one perfect answer, and I enjoy troubleshooting and genuinely collaborating on the best way forward for the situation and business stage.

I love working alongside founders/leaders and their teams to build self-awareness of strengths and instil confidence so that they can have meaningful conversations that build trust and exceptional engagement and performance.

I use design-thinking principles to co-design and iterate great people experiences, strategies and programmes.


  • culture baseline and strategy
  • building employee engagement
  • coaching leaders and teams
  • leading and communicating change
  • vision and values design
  • attraction and recruitment strategy and action