Rebecca Caroe

Creative Agency Secrets

Experienced Chief Marketing officer with 15 years working in New Zealand mid-sized business. Hire Rebecca to get more sales leads from your marketing spend.

I am a data-oriented marketer. CRM is my core B2B marketing skill - a database of prospects, customers and leads. When I work, the marketing strategy is aligned with delivering revenue in the form of MQLs which lead to sales conversations.

Content marketing surrounds the customer journey, it's filled with interesting, educational information which is aligned with the customer personas and also with the funnel stage. Thus each piece leads neatly further down the sales funnel.

My super-power is building community around a brand, making the prospect feel like a colleague, an enabler and a friend so that they feel comfortable reaching out with a question. And we know that questions lead to sales conversations.

I have worked in SaaS, in software, in services (consulting / legal) and in engineering. I am comfortable with any B2B industry because adapting strategy and tactics to fit your market is a key skill.


  • Copywriting - making the complex easy to understand.
  • Website SEO
  • Customer journey mapping and implementation
  • CRM database, KPIs, reporting
  • Brand voice and positioning.


Monthly retainer

Fixed number of days per week - in your offices or remote.

From $2,500


Buy what you use - best for "picking my brain" or ultra-short projects.

$350 / hour