Amanda Armstrong


We work with tech companies to help them build repeatable, scalable revenue growth.

  • 20+ years experience in Revenue leadership roles for global organisations. I’ve developed and executed sales effectiveness programmes across multiple countries and divisions and over the last 10 years I’ve been in Executive roles at Xero, Vend and Crimson Education, all fast growing global businesses founded in NZ.
  • I've led teams in countries all around the world, from London, Toronto, Australia, Brazil, to Russia, Singapore, Vietnam and Thailand.
  • My expertise in building a strong foundation across Sales and Marketing processes, Technology, People and Strategy ensures companies can accelerate their growth to the next level.
  • I’ve substantial capability in coaching along with a unique ability to quickly assess performance gaps, formulate a strategy and execute an effective outcome to achieve rapid results.


I help companies to optimise and achieve go-to-market fit as well as to build a strong foundation for growth across strategy, process, people and technology. I often start an engagement with a Revenue Optimisation Assessment, where I review a company's current state against global best practices. This helps to identify any performance gaps and then to formulate a plan to fix them and accelerate growth.